Monday 30 June 2014

Western Sydney electronics supplier raided in crackdown on unsafe USB chargers

By on 13:30

A western Sydney electronics wholesaler has been raided in a crackdown on unsafe USB chargers following the death of a woman on the New South Wales central coast.
USB charger
North Gosford woman Sheryl Aldeguer, 28, was electrocuted while using an unsafe USB charger in April this year, prompting the office of Fair Trading to take action.
The charger Ms Aldeguer was using did not come from the supplier at Silverwater that was raided today.
However, Fair Trading investigators this afternoon seized several models of illegal USB chargers from the supplier.
Spokesman Matthew Myers says the supplier has been ordered to stop selling the devices and the business faces a fine of up to $87,000.
"Today we have issued a seizure notice and also a notice to stop sale so the owners cannot sell any more of these products until further notice," he said.
Today's action follows raids at markets in the Illawarra over the weekend.
Investigators are urging consumers to make sure their electronic devices meet Australian standards.


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