Tuesday 29 July 2014


By on 11:35

With Hitman GO getting its own DLC, let’s have a look at some of the other handheld spin-offs that are great games all on their own and deserve our attention.

Call of Duty: Strike Team

Set in the Black Ops series, this handheld title blends together the first and third-person perspectives to make the most of the touchscreen controls. The two-man team you control can be moved around the map from an overhead camera, only to switch to the familiar first-person view when bullets fly and grenades need throwing. The loadout for each soldier is customisable and both, the overhead planning and navigation stages, as well as the FPS sections show a surprising amount of polish, along with a few tweaks that make touchscreen aiming less frustrating.

Deus Ex: The Fall

Nobody ever asked for a Deus Ex mobile spin-off, but Eidos Montreal delivered a superbly polished experience anyway. Condensing the series’ twisting plot, augmentation-based upgrade system, and polished cover-based shooting mechanics into a small touchscreen based package, The Fall stays true to its roots and continues the story of the novel Icarus Effect. Running parallel to Human Revolution’s plot, this handheld gem follows SAS member Ben Saxon as he goes in search of answers and winds up revealing some secrets behind HR’s bosses. While the game could’ve been longer and the shooting better, it’s startling how much The Fall resembles its console cousins.

Dead Space

Dead Space on mobile was so much more than a lazy port. A genuine part of the story canon and set between the first two games, this portable package of horror handily captures the chilling atmosphere of the original Dead Space. And while some concessions are made for touchscreen devices, such as swiping to simulate dual analog controls, the necromorph dismembering gameplay is still as fun and terrifying as in its big budget predecessor. Complete with rock solid production values that one doesn’t usually associate with mobile spin-offs, Dead Space is perfect for those who want a bit of gory horror on the go.

Mass Effect: Infiltrator

Most tend to disregard Infiltrator as a “companion app” to Mass Effect 3, but this well-polished third-person shooter is an excellent game in its own right. Infiltrator’s gameplay features the same cover-based shooting from the main trilogy, but optimised and simplified for touchscreen devices. While the return of biotic powers is welcome, the lack of commandable squad mates may put some off. But anyone who’s a fan of the series will enjoy the storyline and high production values. The fact that it helps your Galactic Readiness in Mass Effect 3 is just icing on the cake.

Rayman: Fiesta Run

Fiesta Run captures the colour and festive spirit that permeates all games starring the armless French wonder. Set in the Rayman Origins universe, Rayman sprints across 72 beautifully colourful and challenging levels, leaving the player to guide him by jumping, ducking and punching obstacles. Fiesta Run expands on its predecessor - Jungle Run, in every way, including the ability to shrink, slide and swim across water as well as bounce between the foregrounds and backgrounds of levels and face down bosses. The game is tough but fair, and will appeal to fans of the Rayman series and cartoony platformers in general.


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