Saturday 12 July 2014

The Selfie Won't Die: The New Gadget Is All About the Perfect Selfie

By on 10:52


Selfie, how do I take thee? Let me count the ways: There's the awkward arm-up "any idiot can see this is a shameless selfie" selfie, the masterfully angled "no my friend took this, it's just really close up, I swear" selfie, and the Insta-popular "bae caught me slippin" selfie. But now, thanks to a new device called HISY, there is also the "hands-free selfie." That's right, there's a product on the market devoted exclusively to the selfie.
HISY uses Bluetooth to connect to your iPhone or other Apple product to take selfies (and videos) from as far as 90 feet. So essentially you're using a teeny tiny remote to shoot the picture. Each device also includes an instruction manual and a stand for setting your phone on while you and your HISY embark on the search for the perfect selfie. As stated on the website, HISY is good for "eliminating woes like weird selfie arm and the exclusion of people from the shot."
Apparently the product is also good for eliminating head lice, which is apparently a very real problem among groups of friends who are in the habit of taking group selfies, because a bunch of heads squished together is paradise for lice. Since the HISY lets you take far away pictures, selfie takers don't have to squeeze together to fit all their faces on a tiny iPhone screen. Think of the possibilities! You'll look like a normal family photo!
Selfie/HISY selfie
Other practical uses of the HISY include alleviating the dire problem that arises when you're out with friends and want your picture taken but don't want to find a random stranger to hand your iPhone to for fear that the aforementioned random stranger may run away with it. Now you can worry about losing your HISY on the floor of the bar instead!
Although using HISY excludes the dreaded "selfie arm," self-photographers can only have one arm in the shot because one hand has to be used to press the button on the HISY orthey display the teeny tiny remote in image. And a search of the hashtag "#hisypix" on Instagram makes it apparent that many HISY users don't care if the device is in the shot, which kind of defeats the point of taking a hands-free selfie in the first place. On the other hand, the main point of the majority of the photos under the #hisypix hashtag appears to be to show as much cleavage as possible.

Happy selfie-ing!


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