Tuesday 2 September 2014

App to delete messages before it's received

By on 10:05

App to delete messages before it's received

Worried about a wrong message sent to your boss, parents or colleagues? Now you can delete it instantly before they read it.

An app called ''Invisible Text'' allows its users to permanently delete a message preventing it from reaching the other person. But with a clause, it can only be deleted if it hasn't been already opened by the recipient.

Another amazing advantage of the app is its timer facility, which allows the user to set a timer for a message to self-destruct itself if it is not read within a stipulated amount of time.

The app works for all kinds of messages be it videos, texts, voice or picture messages.

The app is available on Android, iOS and BlackBerry devices using a technology that combines message encryption with device pairing.

"To date, no other solution can ensure secure data transmission between two devices, including a smartphone, smart TV, computer, tablet, radio or webcam," the company said in a statement.

The recipient of the text you want to delete must also have "Invisible Text" app on his phone.


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