Wednesday 2 July 2014

Galaxy S5 Mini, HTC One Mini 2 Chase Lower End Smartphone Market

By on 10:47

Samsung, HTC, LG and other Android mobile device makers keep introducing a dizzying array of new smartphone models in a relentless effort to build market share at the expense of their competitors. It's clear that Samsung has done the best job of separating itself from the Android pack, considering that the company and Apple's iOS-based iPhone combine to produce more than 100 percent of the smartphone market's profits. Their results exceed 100 percent because some companies actually lose money selling mobile devices. 

As of late, however, HTC has put a fresh and innovative foot forward to try to change its persistently poor luck in the mobile market. The company's flagship HTC One M8 has received rave reviews around the Web for its dual camera and beautiful design. Recently, HTC unveiled the HTC One Mini 2, a device that looks similar to its big brother but comes at a lower price. Samsung responded with a trimmer device of its own, called the Galaxy S5 Mini. That smartphone is designed specifically to take on the HTC One Mini 2. Both companies' mini models are vying for the lower end of the smartphone market.


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