Sunday 31 August 2014

Google Glass, With SHORE App Can Detect Emotions, Age & Gender

By on 23:28

Google Glass can now detect whether the person you are looking at is sad, happy, angry, excited or nervous with the help of a very innovative app called SHORE aka Sophisticated High Speed Object Recognition. Developed by a team of researchers and engineers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, the app is world's first of its kind. It is capable of guessing person's emotions, age and gender using the integrated camera in Google Glass. The app, however, cannot determine the identity of the person.


The research team says that this type of technology can open several avenues for further exploration and possibilities. For example, the technology can help differently abled people, those suffering from autism, understand facial expressions. The results calculated by the app can be superimposed on the display using augmented reality technique. Those who are visually impaired can receive the same information through audio signals. We believe this technology would be immensely useful in interactive games. The marketers and shop sales people wearing Google Glass installed with the SHORE app would immediately know what you're thinking about their pitch.

Fraunhofer IIS press release mentions that the SHORE app is a result of several years of research and development work in the area of intelligent systems. The engineers were able to develop a sophisticated, highly efficient real time C++ software library. Their app is capable of detecting faces, objects and carry out detailed facial analysis. The software can be adopted on any platform and operating system.

Have a look at the following video that shows the SHORE app in action. Do let us know your thoughts about the app and the direction in which the technology is advancing.



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